What do you think of when you hear the word “organic?” Healthy? Fresh? How about natural?
That’s exactly what organic content is. Content that people find naturally – without needing a boost from advertising dollars.
If you’re just getting started on YouTube and want to dive into some advertising options, it’s important to first fill your channel with some organic content that supports your brand – and once you’ve done these eight things, your organic content will be a lot easier to find.
As a small business, you may be wondering what types of content people want to see from you… we’re glad you asked.
Customer Testimonials:
Have a happy customer that is willing to share their experience with the world? Have them say it on camera! If a person is considering engaging with your brand or purchasing your product or service, seeing one of your customers raving about you will definitely peak their interest in the best way possible.
![Organic Matters: YouTube Content that Doesn't Suck New Interview](http://bigslatedev.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Screen-Shot-2019-01-28-at-10.16.47-PM.png)
Product/Service Demonstration Videos:
Show people how your stuff works – especially if it’s a unique or exciting technique or technology.
Tutorial Videos:
Beyond just showing people how your stuff works, you can actually teach them how to use it! This is a bit more thorough than a demonstration video. You can also give tutorials on products or software necessary in your particular industry that others may be interested in learning about. This can help promote you as a thought-leader in your industry.
![Organic Matters: YouTube Content that Doesn't Suck Youtube Screenshot](http://bigslatedev.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Screen-Shot-2019-01-28-at-10.39.51-PM.png)
Thought-Leader Interviews:
Is there a shining star in your industry? A person or brand that you admire and want to engage with in a big way? Interview them. Others interested in your line of work will likely be dying to hear from this person, and they’re on YOUR channel!
Project Reviews/Case Studies:
People love a classic “behind-the-scenes” look. Show potential customers how you’ve helped some of your clients! Once they see your process, they could feel more inclined to work with you.
![Organic Matters: YouTube Content that Doesn't Suck Youtube Screenshot](http://bigslatedev.wpengine.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Screen-Shot-2019-01-28-at-10.41.27-PM.png)
This type of content is quickly growing in popularity. People love to see what others are doing throughout their daily lives. Turn your camera on selfie mode and show people what you’re doing in your office, at a networking event or even on a staff outing! This can really add a personal touch to your brand, and that’s what potential customers want to engage with.
Event Videos:
Hosting or speaking at a conference? Record the sessions and put them on your YouTube channel! If it’s a particularly hot topic, this could once again position you as a thought-leader in your industry. Also, quick recap videos from events can be used to help promote your future events.
Knoxville Chamber’s Schmoozapalooza Boardwalk recap video… yeah, we did this one too. Click on it!
YouTube Live:
Much like Facebook Live, you can go live online from anywhere. This works particularly well at events or for exciting company announcements.
Hopefully this gives you some awesome ideas for YouTube content you can start creating for your brand. The best thing about these types of videos is that they don’t have to be super produced – but we can totally help with that if you want – you can use your iPhone and simple video editors to make it happen!
[This post is part two in our YouTube blog series. Stay tuned for future posts diving into the crazy fun world of PAID YouTube marketing… coming soon!]